You need some irony and the anxiety - battered the diet, this morning? » Expansion to try some of this. Disney and Pixar are set to release their latest animation heavy bomb, wall-E, this summer. Under the premise, the film finds that the wall-E (waste load allocation of take-off and landing - the earth level) clean the earth's trash, rampant, without the consumer to check the planet uninhabitable. Therefore, how to promote their film? » Do you understand it, they launched a new line, the plastic wall of the E-type robot development partnerships, and wowwee and thinkway toys, which no child may Huobuxiaqu. The final wall to the list of 190 U.S. dollars, launched this summer and 10 motor function, remote control, and a large number of sensors to avoid obstacles and respond to touch, feel the ironic mockery of its own existence. BOT basis, will be joined by 25 yuan idance wall - e (I think on the species) and 40 yuan flytech Tingkebeier when they make their first time on May 29 in San Mateo in the manufacturers faire.
Labels: robot news, robots