SAN FRANCISCO - Since I was one of the first people to arrive Friday evening for a preview of this weekend's cocktail robot exhibition here, I went to the first drink.
David Calkins, one of the organisers of the San Francisco version of Roboexotica - an event that was held in Vienna, Austria, in a decade - had set his robots, Chapek, exactly, she was ready, asked me to say that Machine, what I wanted to drink.
This was, of course, Calkins had ended Chapek ready to go.
"Let's see whether it up and exploded," he said, "it has in the past."
He flicked a switch and Chapek was ready.
"Hey," he said, satisfied. "It was not so."
Chapek, named after Karel Capek, coined the term "robot" is a small robot with a mischievous face, wiry metal weapons, and an attached control box, where you say what kind of cocktail you want to mix it up and you.
Labels: robot news, robots